Benefits of Stretching at Work/Workstation Stretches
Benefits of Stretching at Work/Workstation Stretches In previous blogs I have mentioned how sitting creates compression in the spine, increasing pressure on the discs and shortening the pelvic muscles. Stretching throughout your work day will help you avoid injury to your low back, shoulders, knees, elbows and wrists, reduce your stress levels and potentially increase […]
Understanding Your Spine & How to Keep It Healthy Part 3 – Lumbar Spine
The lumbar spine refers to the lower back, it starts about 5-6 inches below the shoulder blades and connects the thoracic spine to the sacral spine. Consisting of 5 vertebrae (L1 – L5) the lumbar spine is designed for power and flexibility – lifting, twisting and bending. The lower the vertebra the more weight it […]
Understanding Your Spine & How to Keep it Healthy – Part 2 (Sacroiliac Joint)
The sacroiliac joints (SI) connect the sacrum, the triangular shaped bone at the base of the lumbar spine to the left and right iliac bones, the large bones that form your pelvis. The SI joints have several functions They support the weight of your torso when you are upright They help maintain balance as you […]
Understanding Your Spine & How to Keep it Healthy – Part 1
The spine is complex and is one of the most important components in the body. I think it is important for everyone to have some understanding of its anatomy so that they can make appropriate decisions about treatment if they suffer from back pain, or want to maintain a healthy spine. The spine is made […]
Foot Anatomy, Problems and Top Tips for Functional Feet
As summer approaches I often teach a series of classes dedicated to “unloved body parts” as we prepare to peel off extra layers and get ready for the holiday season. For many, feet fall into this category, yet as the foundation of our bodies they are a really important part of our natural balance-keeping systems. […]
Knees – Anatomy & Health
Knees are something of a hot topic in the studio at the moment. I thought you might benefit from understanding their anatomy, typical problems, why they occur and tips for maintaining knee health. Knee Anatomy The knee is one of the largest and most complex joints in the body. It is a synovial joint which […]
Spring Cleaning (Lymphatic System)
Spring is one of my favourite times of the year; Increased daylight, crisp mornings that develop into warm days and the first delicate blossoms prompt me to clear out the clutter that has accumulated during the long winter ‘hibernation”. Husband and children run for the hills as I turn out every cupboard, and drawer before […]
Time to Detox
In an ideal world we would all grow our own organic food, eat according to nature’s bounty and breathe clean air. In reality we try to eat healthily, get too little sleep, drink alcohol and live in an urban environment full of unavoidable toxins. Our bodies naturally have a great way of detoxing, but that […]
Big Toe Injury and Back pain
A year ago I partially severed and crushed the big toe of my left foot and had surgery to pin and stitch it. I was told full recovery would take a year and that my big toe would be stiff, but otherwise not to expect any long-term problems. Having done extensive bodywork, I felt my […]
Free to Move – Fit to Shoot
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Free to Move – Fit to Shoot ( A Unique Programme for Shooters) As a shooter I am very aware of the demands our sport places on the body. I have met shooters so afflicted with neck and shoulder damage that they require surgery or worse have to give up the sport they […]